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(As always, you can add the Lower Barriers membership meeting to your calendar using the link.)


The monthly membership meeting of Lower Barriers.


  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Call for member comments
  4. Previous meeting agenda
  5. Financial report
  6. Old business
    • Business cards and physical promotions
    • Fundraising event committee business
  7. New business
  8. Call for member comments
  9. Adjourn


These minutes have not yet been approved by the membership at the following meeting after a review. This bolded section will be updated following the subsequent meeting to indicate approval status.

Lower Barriers membership meeting

Board present: Brad Czerniak, Hillary Lewandowski, Randall Thomas

Board absent: (none)

Members/guest attending: (none)

  1. Call to order (7:02 PM by Randall)
  2. Roll call: Just us (7:02 PM)
  3. Call for member comments: None (7:02 PM)
  4. Approve previous meeting agenda (7:04 PM, Randall moved, Hillary seconded)
  5. Financial report (7:04 PM, nothing new to report)
  6. Old business
    • Business cards: they’re ordered and should be here within the week!
    • Fundraising event committee business
  7. New business (7:06 PM)
  8. Call for member comments (7:06 PM)
  9. Adjourn (7:06 PM. Randall called)