- Impress clientele with prompt, high-quality Drupal and JAMstack work
- Provide fast, low-waste branding, UX, and other services
- Contribute open source solutions to the community
- Nurtured and supervised a team of developers
- Executed a vision for reusable, component-based Drupal archtecture
- Balanced administrative duties with development and site support
- Liaison to sales, client service, and project management teams
- Built sites, modules, and themes for Drupal-based client sites
- Optimized continuous integration and developer workflow
- Incubated brand-new lean Discovery and Architecture
- Developed modules and themes for a Drupal-based website
- Designed UI and incorporated branding for site and catalog
- Launched a media and digitization lab
- Hosted hacker/maker events and online programming
- Presented at conferences about mobile devices and other technologies
- Provided quality reference service in a diverse, fast-paced environment
- Active in strategic planning process: assessment and evaluation
- Improved year-over-year efficiency of paper tax form program
- Learned to use point-of-sale machines
- Presented to Housing department heads to pitch becoming first IT RA
- Reliably worked 56-hour weeks for the whole summer
- Implemented a system for tracking brake shoe reclamation
Relevant Coursework:
- Multiculturalism
- Web design
- Digital libraries
- Scripting languages
- Competitive intelligence and data mining
- Advanced reference
- Advanced searching
Relevant Coursework:
- Labor economics
- Labor history
- German
- Spanish
- Film history
- American culture
Relevant Coursework:
- Auto mechanics
- Computer science 1
- AP Chemistry
- AP American History
- AP World History
- AP Economics
- AP Calculus AB
- Best Crew — Athens High School Theatre Department
- Drupal
- JavaScript
- Accessibility
- git
- Responsive web design
- Progressive enhancement
- English — Native speaker
- German — Basic vocabulary
- Spanish — Basic vocabulary
- Hebrew — Alphabetical